My KOMO – the private section on the KOMO website – has been revamped, expanded and made more user-friendly!
Easy to use and navigate
While preparing for the My KOMO update and makeover our main aim was to create ease of use and clear navigation for My KOMO users.
Specific information for you
My KOMO was developed for and is accessible both to KOMO certificate and attestation holders. The certificate and attestation holders have their own login details and can access information and opportunities specifically intended for them.
Something for everyone in the revamped My KOMO
My KOMO gives both certificate and attestation holders access to their KOMO certificates while offering lots of extra features such as access to company information and product/process information on KOMO.nl and the possibility of free publicity. Certificate and attestation holders can also indicate their preferences, for instance, receiving the KOMO newsletters or reading the latest KOMO news.
Still haven’t registered for a My KOMO login? Foreign certificate and attestation holders (if they are not Dutch-speaking) can register via this link.