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My KOMO renewed – also for certificate and attestation holders!

My KOMO – the private section on the KOMO website – has been revamped, expanded and made more user-friendly! Easy to use and navigate. While preparing for the My KOMO update and makeover our main aim was to create ease of use and clear navigation for My KOMO users.

Login on My KOMO
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Mannen boven tekening in gebouw.klein

KOMO involved in large leading projects Wkb + KiK

Now that the Wkb has been adopted, 10 + Wkb procedures are already starting in Dutch municipalities. The purpose is to get used to working together under the new regulations and to gain practical experience. Work focuses primarily on confidence-building, creating clarity, connecting and making the advantages clear. KOMO's KiK, among others, will be tested as ‘Wkb instrument’.

Working together under the new regulations
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via Suze en Oscar.klein

News from certification bodies: SKH and SKG-IKOB

In this section you can read news from our licensees: accredited certification bodies licenced to certify companies on KOMO’s behalf. In this edition SKH (Robert Daamen) includes details about the finishing of facade carpentry in separate parts, and SKG-IKOB (Sander Luiten) covers the renewed Assessment Directive 5212.

Quality of the glue
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handen op toetsenbord.klein

With KOMO online, you are positioned right at front of the chain!

All KOMO Assessment Directives and associated certificates plus contract document specifications have been digitally released online in the middle of this year via KOMO online. They are directly and digitally linked to the relevant building decree paragraphs. The KOMO certificate holders able to deliver in accordance with these quality standards are also directly accessible.

Rode kraan bij bouwwerk.klein

Your KOMO certificates now becomes even more valuable

Responsibility, liability and the burden of proof for everything built, will all be held by the builder. The liability will apply for 20 years. If a deviation or error is detected during that period, the builder is liable, unless he/she or the operator concerned can prove that a good job was done.

vrouw in startblokken.klein

Quality Assurance Act ready to go

The Dutch ‛Wkb’, hereinafter also referred to as the 'Wkb’' (quality assurance act for the building sector), is ready to go. It is the culmination of a wide-ranging debate, one that has in fact lasted more than 20 years. The Wkb will introduce drastic change to the Dutch building system. The roll-out of the Administrative Agreement will start right away.

Wkb ready to go!
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Quality Assurance Act for Building (Wkb): KOMO process certification firmly growing

The demand for KOMO-certified building processes is firmly in an upward trend. This is partly due to the effect of the new Quality Assurance Act for Building (Wkb). With the arrival of the Wkb, the Civil Code will change also. Every builder in The Netherlands will be tasked with the burden of proof and will need to be able to show in black and white that the work performed has been done professionally in each and every project.


Position your company on the KOMO website free of charge

You can advertise through KOMO for free. Simply send the details of projects you are involved in to We will make sure that the details are placed on the website, along with your photographic material and a direct link to your company’s website. Free of charge. How great is that!


Proud of your KOMO certificate? Why not show it... 3 tips & tricks!

As a KOMO certificate holder you take a leading position in the market. You are special because you provide objectively proven quality. That’s something you ought to let everyone see! With these tips & tricks you will convince customers even faster of the added value your KOMO certificates offer.
And therefore of the added value of your products or services.


Are you aware of everything KOMO brings you?

Your company has one or more KOMO certificates. And what does that get you? We have set that out for you in a summary.

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