This is what the international building and infrastructure sector says about CE
The FIEC (European Building Industry Foundation; the umbrella organisation of European industry organisations in the building and infrastructure sector) says the following about CE marking:
- CE marking is not a quality mark
- CE marking says nothing about the performance of a product in its application
- CE marking does not indicate that the specified product characteristics meet the requirements set by governments and market parties
- CE marking does not give any definite information about the extent to which the stated product characteristics have been regularly, objectively and independently tested by experts.
(Source: FIEC Position Paper; 13 July 2017)
The KOMO Quality Mark shows objectively tested quality
The KOMO Quality Mark is everything that the CE marking is not. And vice versa. So KOMO and CE complement each other perfectly. CE acts as a kind of passport through which a product is allowed to be placed on the market in the European Union and associated countries. And with the KOMO Quality Mark you convince buyers through the proof of objectively determined quality obtained from repeated tests. Worldwide.