Position your company on the KOMO website free of charge
You can advertise through KOMO for free. Simply send the details of projects you are involved in to info@komoquality.com. We will make sure that the details are placed on the website, along with your photographic material and a direct link to your company’s website. Free of charge. How great is that!
Make your added value visible
The page https://www.komo.nl/referenties/ (in Dutch) is specifically intended for this. As you can see: many went before you. These are obviously solely projects in which KOMO-certified products have been processed or in which building processes with a KOMO certificate or attestation have been used.
A fantastic way for your company to generate more web traffic!
Multimedia blog about your KOMO certificate
Another appealing option is to arrange for a blog to be written for you about your KOMO-certified product(s) and/or service(s). That offers you extra exposure. Moreover, you are left with nothing to worry about; we take care of everything for you. The blog not only appears on the KOMO website (also on the homepage) but also in the general KOMO newsletter! You can also use the text for your own digital media, such as Facebook and Instagram.
Read an example of a blog here (in English): Infinity Repair
Check another blog example here (in Dutch): Martens Plastics
A third blog example on KOMO.nl (in Dutch): Roof Masters
More information? Info@komoquality.com.