Certification schemes in KiK provide proof for builder

January 27, 2021

And lower costs for Building Quality Assurance Act project

The Building Quality Assurance Act (Wkb), the Environment and Planning Act, and the builder’s liability were amended simultaneously in the Civil Code. The amended burden of proof means that the builder is liable for defects, including after delivery. The builder must manage the burden of proof properly. And that can be done with the (KOMO) certificate, currently also available in the KiK tool.

KiK tool

The KiK Tool is a software application specifically designed for the Building Quality Assurance Act. A unique characteristic of the tool is that it structures the probability of a risk occurring during a building process, the extent of that risk and the consequences, and then lays the foundation for efficient quality assurance. The tool illustrates what you must do to manage risks in an assurance plan.

Renewed KiK tool now available

The KiK tool can be used by quality assurers and builders to create various reports, such as the risk analysis, the assurance plan, the statement and the consumer file. Initiators (architects, project developers, consultancies and engineers) can use the KiK tool, from the design phase onwards, to anticipate the quality required in the delivery phase. The KiK tool makes it possible to grant third parties (for example the competent authority) the right to join in the reading.

The KiK tool has a risk assessment system with control measures based on product and process qualifications (read certificates). An assessment valuation is linked to these control measures. After all, when an independent party has already performed a check, the tool recognises this as a control measure This valuation means a lower residual risk. This influences the intensity of supervision by the quality assurer and that results in a cost reduction.

KiK includes assessment guidelines and certification schemes in system

KiK includes certification schemes in its system. The KOMO assessment guidelines are now already available digitally via the KiK tool. This is done with a direct link to KOMO online. Soon the KOMO certificates will also be included in the KiK tool. In this manner, the building party works with its suppliers on demonstrable quality within the tool.

Products and building processes with the KOMO quality mark prove that the building work is good, reduce the costs of calling in the quality assurer (less time) and demonstrate that the correct products and working methods have been applied. All those involved benefit; the client (reduced quality assurer costs), the builder (proof) and the certificate holder/subcontractor/supplier (priority position).

Other quality scheme also in the KiK (tool

Other schemes can also be included in the KiK tool with an assessment valuation as a risk control measure. Ton Jans underlines this with: “We welcome all schemes. An independent committee (KKTC at the bottom of the page, ed.) will of course evaluate the schemes on the basis of generic requirements. After the scheme has been evaluated for risk reduction, it can be integrated into the KiK tool.”

Would you like your scheme to be included in the KiK (tool)?

Do you have a quality scheme and would you also like to use it within the Wkb framework and for delivering the burden proof? Then contact the KiK agency via info@kik-komo.nl

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