KOMO certificate accessible through 12Build

March 24, 2020

KOMO strives to engage with various parties in order to increase both the findability of KOMO quality marks and thereby the KOMO certificate holders. Certainly now that the Building Quality Assurance Act (hereinafter Wkb) is scheduled to come into effect in 2021 and the building sector must show tried and tested quality! This is also why KOMO works with 12Build, the building sector quotation platform.

In the new situation with the Wkb, the independent quality assurance officer assesses, during building and until completion, whether the structure meets the legal requirements. The KOMO Quality Assurance System (KiK) is used for this! The authorised inspector checks whether the builder really does build according to the Building Decree 2012 and records the results. For the inspector but also for the builder and other building parties, it is therefore of great importance to be able to view data about certificates and quality characteristics. That is now possible in 12Build. Everyone can use the 12Build search filters to find certificates and assessment guidelines and see which parties work with a KOMO quality mark. Watch the instruction video (Dutch).

" We want to make our database as transparent as possible for building professionals. By cooperating with others we enrich the database. This gives quality and safety a platform. "

Jonathan Acis, data manager 12Build

Increased visibility of your KOMO certificate through 12Build

Looking for certainty

Another change resulting from the Wkb is that liability shifts to the builder, even after completion. Consequently, the builder is looking for certainty. With a transparent database, 12Build makes quality visible by means of KOMO certificates, etc.

KOMO – the mark of quality approval

The application of KOMO certified products and processes ensures that the quality assurer saves time and work. After all, qualified processes and products have already been objectively tested for quality. With the KOMO mark of approval the building sector can rely on quality!

Further digitisation initiatives

  • The KOMO foundation is one of the participating organisations and ambassador of DigiDealGO. Thirty-five organisations have united in this initiative. DigiDealGO means: accelerated, sector-wide agreements concerning the exchange, ownership and organisation of data and information in the building sector.
  • All KOMO Assessment Guidelines and relevant certificates and building contract specifications are easy to look up digitally through KOMO-online.The database of Building Decrees Online is linked to KOMO-online and the latter is included in the KennisID of BRIS (Knowledge ID of the Building Regulations Information Systems). At a later date Openspecifaties.com and STABU Building Contract Specifications, in which KOMO certification is included, will also be linked to KOMO-online.

And KOMO is still looking into additional collaboration options to make data as accessible as possible.


12Build matches building partners with expertise and facilitates a more efficient way of online collaboration. From the client to the main contractor and from the calculation office to the building specialist: 12Build links everyone through its platform.

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